There was a time when getting your hands on some sports gear was difficult and cost a lot of money. Whether it’s a pair of hiking boots or large backpacks, they were either too high-end and inaccessible or poor quality and fake. However, with time brands like Arc’teryx changed the horizons and widened them for outdoor clothing.
From footwear, climbing gear, sports accessories, hiking boots, and the most comfortable clothing items, Arc’teryx has it all. They are also very environmentally friendly, with low carbon footprints in production and strong advocacy for green production; the brand is well known for its social works. However, they aren’t exactly cheap either, and people have a general misconception that they are very long-lasting.
We hardly ever wash our winter jackets, and usually, after the second wash, it becomes clear how well-made the gear is. More often than not, customers have had complaints concerning Arc’teryx’s longevity. Such factors bring about our reason to present more alternative brands like Arc’teryx that you can get your hands on right away in terms of affordability, longevity, and quality.
Patagonia: Known for durability
The brand’s specialty is its durability. They offer clothing and gear for all sorts of outdoor activities such as climbing, hiking, kitesurfing, mountain biking, snow activities, etc. You cannot go wrong with a Patagonia jacket, especially the Torrentshell, and Nano Puff collections.
Reputable for longer lifespans in general, their products are made using Gore-Tex and H2No, thanks to their innovative fabric manufacturing technology. However, the durability is sustained through a 24 Killer Wash testing process that makes the product significantly long-lasting and waterproof. The Deluge DWR coating is what ensures waterproof features. They may be on the more expensive side of things, but quality and longevity are assured.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Green production, reducing carbon footprints, 72% of materials used in production are recycled.
No carbon footprint plan by 2025
Durable & waterproof
Breathable and comfortable gear
Wide variety in collection and design
Lots of gear and clothing items made for workers [/i2pros][i2cons]Expensive
Issues with the Ironclad guarantee standard among customers
Poor customer service at times[/i2cons][/i2pc]
The Customer’s Opinion
Patagonia is a customer favorite for numerous reasons. A brand like Arc’teryx doesn’t provide half the variety in design and clothing options as Patagonia does. Moreover, their green production and continued commitment to ‘healing’ the planet by encouraging eco-friendly production technology and business environments, socially aware customers are ready to go out of their way to buy Patagonia. Their products are excellently durable and will be worth the investment nine times out of ten.
Marmot: Planet Earth Approves!
Marmot was initially a climbing club, and hence the roots of outdoor gear are embedded in this famous outdoor brand. Known for tops, pants, footwear, backpacks, sleeping bags and tents for camping, and heavy gear for mountaineers, they have it all, and they are environmentally friendly.
They offer a portfolio for men, women, and children. For men, a famous jacket is the Gravity, women love the Ion jacket, and the children have the well-known PreCip Eco pants. They use the Gore-Tex technology just like Arc’teryx and Patagonia, except they also have the Windstopper membrane technology in some of their products.
The Windstopper technology combines a three-layer build that provides warmth in chilly conditions and is sweat-free because they allow the moisture to escape. Famous for their green technology and production, their EnviroFree initiative aims to eliminate chemical use in apparel production.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Green production and environmentally friendly products
Clothing for every weather
Great for mountain climbing, camping, and outdoor enthusiasts
Collection for men, women, and children
Cheaper than Arc’teryx [/i2pros][i2cons]Poor customer service
Not the most trendsetting designs available as Arc’teryx
Products not as long-lasting as they were[/i2cons][/i2pc]
The Customer’s Opinion
Outdoor enthusiasts usually rock marmot because of its broad collection of outdoor clothing and gear. They are cheaper than Arc’teryx, have collections for all, and provide eco-friendly products. Still, their poor online presence and customer service have left a bad taste in many customers’ opinions.
The North Face: For Comfort
One of the most famous brands for outdoor activities, The North Face began its journey as a small shop on the beaches of San Francisco in 1966.
They are known for their lightweight feel and top-notch comfort; using Futurelight, a technology that utilizes an ultra-thin nanomembrane it achieves softness, a breathable material that is lightweight as well. Moreover, its products are made using 90% recycled materials.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Lightweight technology that is second to none
Recycled materials in the manufacture
Cheaper alternative to Patagonia and Arc’teryx [/i2pros][i2cons]Poor delivery service
Relatively expensive
Boots have flawed design according to customers[/i2cons][/i2pc]
The Customer’s Opinion
The North Face is a fashion statement, and you’ve probably owned one of their classic jackets. They are expensive, but the technology in their production is genuinely superior, and the material is always of high quality. Customers have always emphasized their durability and quality. However, inadequacy in their customer and delivery services online has garnered negative reviews from customers worldwide.
Norrøna: Gore-Tex Specialists
Norrona is a Norwegian giant in outdoor clothing and gear; having been in the game since 1929, they introduced the Gore-Tex technology to Europe for the first time. A famous brand for its precise attention to detail provides the latest designs that are fashionable. Unlike Arc’teryx they offer gear and clothing for hunting, surfing, and even mountain biking.
The clothing items are always very comfortable and light on the body because they use organic cotton and recycled materials combined with their innovative technology.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Environmentally-friendly products
Exceptional quality and unique design
Donates to organizations to combat global warming
Durable and comfortable [/i2pros][i2cons] Poor customer service
Expensive [/i2cons][/i2pc]
The Customer’s Opinion
Customers adore Norrona for its authenticity and attention to detail. They ensure you get the most durable clothing gear while standing out from the crowd – something most customers have affirmed. Their price is on the high end, but the quality and green production make up well enough. Customer service can be flawed from time to time.
66° North: Protectors of Planet Earth
66 North, started as a brand that provides protective clothing and gear for workers and fishers in Iceland, 1926. They specialize in clothing for hiking, skiing, and cycling activities.
66 North is committed to a greener environment, and they have pledged to plant over 2700 trees in 2019 to combat the total emissions. A brand for the people, it makes protective clothing for public service organizations like firefighters, police, and rescue services.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Sustainable and green products
Specialize in protective clothing
Large collection for both men and women
Poor customer service
Inadequate information on their websites regarding products[/i2cons][/i2pc]
The Customer’s Opinion
Customers rely on Norrona because they already make first-rate protective clothing and gear for firefighters and rescue services (something that builds faith in quality). Moreover, their attention to quality and sustainable production methods make them a positively different brand in the eyes of customers worldwide. Customers may find their products to be rather expensive but are seldom unsatisfied with the value for money.
Mammut: The Practical Brand
Mammut is a Swiss brand that makes clothing and gear for all sorts of outdoor activities like climbing, skiing, mountaineering, and urbaneering. Their extensive portfolio offers accessories, equipment, clothing, boots, backpacks, and more.
Mammut is committed to safety and functionality and continues to prove so in every product you purchase from the company. It is very durable and resistant to tormenting weather; itExtensive is a wise alternative to many other more popular brands such as Arc’teryx and The North Face.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Manufactured using green technology
Committed to environmental causes
Practical and comfortable
Large collection
Varying budget-friendly pricing ranges
Best at manufacturing climbing ropes [/i2pros][i2cons]Expensive
Poor customer service across Europe[/i2cons][/i2pc]
The Customer’s Opinion
Customers enjoy the premium feel to the clothing and gear from Mammut. They have budget-friendly options, something not so present in other brands, and this is another reason customers love Mammut. Ethically made, customers find Mammut a reliable brand for the long run.
Salomon: For the players
Here is a brand that roots from outdoor activities itself. In 1947, its journey began at the French Alps; from snowboarding, skiing, to touring and running they have an inherent interest in outdoor clothing and activities. Perhaps this, is what sets this alternative apart from the rest.
They also provide additional items such as skis, bindings, and high-quality poles. Salomon takes its interests seriously and they are dedicated to the players; providing care and service for disabled riders and mountain athletes.
Their stores offer a variety of weather-resistant clothes, running shoes, hiking shoes, gear, etc. for both men and women.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Price-to-quality ratio allows customers to spend wisely while getting quality
Dedicated to outdoor activities, their products are one of the best for this reason
Extensive designs and trendy clothing [/i2pros][i2cons]Expensive like Patagonia
Some of their shoes are poor in quality
Poor online services[/i2cons][/i2pc]
The Customer’s Opinion
The brand is famous among outdoor athletes mountaineers. Providing a broad collection, they enable themselves to give you a wider budget range according to your needs. Spend less but get more is what customers feel regarding Salomon.
Helly Hansen: The Leaders of Waterproof Gear
Helly Hansen is widely popular for its dominance in the market for water activities. It offers the best waterproof clothing and gear for men, women, and kids. From jackets, backpacks, boots, shoes, mid-layers, base-layers, to the latest accessories and kids’ collections, Helly Hansen has it all.
Helly Tech is the fabric technology that ensures moisture is always outside and air is always circulating so you’re never sweaty. They are extremely durable in harsh weather conditions and very versatile for when things go wrong. Helly Hansen is also dedicated to water conservation and green production, hence working with organizations to achieve that goal.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Best waterproof clothing and gear
Wide range of collections for men, women and children
Eco-friendly and ethical brand
Comfortable and great for all kinds of weather [/i2pros][i2cons]Expensive
Bad customer service and delivery
Faulty warranty conditions [/i2cons][/i2pc]
Cotopaxi: For the environment
They are a budget-friendly alternative to the other brands mentioned. Cotopaxi offers warm and quality outdoor clothing. Moreover, besides outdoor clothing for activities, they also have t-shirts and hoodies.
Cotopaxi got its name from the volcano itself and remains committed to social causes. When you buy Cotopaxi you know your money is invested in eradicating poverty and bringing social prosperity.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Economical pricing
Alternative options
Quality clothing
Contributes to social causes
[/i2pros][i2cons]Not as many outdoor options as other brands
Poor customer service in particular regions like Europe
The Customer’s Opinion
Cotopaxi is yet another fan favorite for its socially active role and excellent collections. They are cheap, have the trendiest fashion, and accommodate a young generation of hikers, mountaineers, etc.
KÜHL: Economical & Rich in Value
KUHL’s specialty is in mountain wear; all sorts of clothing items and gear, it is also affordable. You could get one of their regular hiking pants under 100 bucks. They offer tops, innerwear, outerwear, gear for both men and women.
The beauty about a similar brand like KUHL is that they offer unique fabric and design while providing consistent quality brands as Arc’teryx and Patagonia do. Their online platform is undoubtedly one of the best among these options.
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Economical
Wide variety in collection
Stylish and trendy
Excellent online presence and customer service [/i2pros][i2cons]Customer service is lacking in some regions[/i2cons][/i2pc]
The Customer’s Opinion
Customers love KUHL for how budget-friendly it is for a brand of its caliber. You can get almost anything at half the price of brands like The North Face. Another plus point is their attention to what’s fashionable and practical to suit the outdoor needs and remaining unique. Their fabric and production quality is top-notch, and customers get value for money.
Why Alternative Brands
Many brands and lots of options at first glance differ in their country of origin or pricing, but one actual similarity in all these brands with Arc’teryx is the purpose. They are all catered and curated for outdoor activities.
You get the best quality at lower prices or just the perfect pair of hiking boots for a high-end budget. These alternative brands help you decide what your needs are and what is the wisest option based on that.