Compare the prices:
The first step is to identify which site is giving you the least price for the same product, thereby saving money on the base purchase of the goods. You can use a comparison site for that purpose.
Find a coupon on the internet: Many web sites are now offering the chance to check for discount coupons that make it even better to buy products online. In this way, you get to save even more money and get a great deal on offer.
Check the offer section:
The offer section gives you a lot of discount on products which you may not otherwise ever get on the product in general days. Therefore, you should always check out the offer section of shopping sites.
Using wallet payment:
Digitalization has given rise to a new number of payment methods in which the use of e-wallet has been on rising. These wallets offer some additional discount when you use it for making an online purchase so that you use their platform for making a purchase.
Huge discounts on festival days:
Special festival days like religious holidays or independence days brings with it a considerable amount of discount from these e-commerce sites. So if there is something which can wait for a while then purchasing on this day is one of the best things you can do to say most on your purchase.
Utilize the app benefits:
Nowadays many offers have become app specific. Many deals are only reserved for apps. Therefore, look out for such offers to save even more on your purchase.